Understanding the Differences Between Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Turtles as Pets

Water turtles are beloved pets for many people around the world, and there are numerous different types of turtles from which to choose. These turtles are generally broken down into two sub-categories: aquatic and semi-aquatic. Aquatic turtles are well-suited for living in the water and rarely venture onto land, using it mainly for laying eggs. Semi-aquatic turtles, on the other hand, are better suited to land and spend some time on land, looking for food or engaging in sunbathing. They also lay their eggs on land.
Aquatic turtles are highly adapted to life in the water, possessing webbed feet, streamlined shells, and a long neck for reaching food underwater. They are also great swimmers and are capable of swimming for hours at a time without becoming fatigued. As they grow, their needs will change, and a larger tank with an adequate filtration system will be necessary for proper care. These turtles require a varied diet with both plant and animal matter, including commercial turtle food, live insects, and freshly chopped vegetables and fruit.
Semi-aquatic turtles are better equipped for life on land, often possessing legs that are better suited for moving on solid ground than in the water. These turtles spend a considerable amount of time on land, basking in the sun, and are not as effective at swimming as aquatic turtles. They require water in their enclosure, but it should be shallow enough (no deeper than the length of the turtle's shell) to prevent drowning. Semi-aquatic turtles require a well-balanced diet that includes both vegetation and animal protein, such as freeze-dried shrimp, crickets, and mealworms.
Despite these differences, both aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles make wonderful pets for those who are ready to care for them properly. When considering which type of water turtle to keep as a pet, it's critical to research their specific needs for diet, habitat, and overall care. With the right knowledge and a bit of commitment, water turtles can make fulfilling and fascinating pets that provide joy to owners for years to come.